
Boricubos: Latin American Monsters and Adventures

Created by Legendary Games

A beautiful bestiary of Central & South American monsters and companion Caribbean campaign setting for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 1E & 2E

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New T-shirts are in! Still fighting with Amazon! VTTs! And Ultimate Warriors are live!
over 1 year ago – Sun, Aug 07, 2022 at 10:43:24 PM

Hi all, time for a few quick updates! 

1.  Elder T-Shirts: We received our restock order of LG T-shirts, so we'll be able to send out our last remaining Circle of Elders orders. We appreciate your patience in getting the right sizes back in stock and look forward to getting those out the door to you! 

2.  Amazon and Internationals. In more annoying news, we are still working with Amazon to un-[bleep] their categorization of our Boricubos books, which is the last hangup before sending out the final batches of international backers. Most of our international orders have gone out. The ones that we are trying to send through Amazon are ones that, due to their weight, cost 2-3 times as much to ship with conventional methods as going through Amazon. We apologize for the delay but look forward to getting those books going ASAP. On the plus side, once we finally get the issue resolved Amazon's shipping is also much faster than conventional international shipments. Once these books are sent, the Boricubos project will be complete! 

3.  More VTTs! Since the original Kickstarter, we've been able to add more Boricubos VTT items for your purchase! If you'd like to get those, we encourage you to grab any of the following items:

Roll20 - Boricubos: The Lost Isles (5E) 

Roll20 - Latin American Monsters (PF1)

Roll20 - Latin American Monsters (PF2)

Roll20 - Latin American Monsters (5E)

We are working with our Fantasy Grounds and Shard folks to hopefully bring these books there as well, and we have just started working with Foundry VTT as well. We've got two books finished for that system (Mythos Monsters and Asian Monsters for PF2) and are working through getting them set up to go live now, and hopefully we'll be able to get to Latin American Monsters soon!

4.  Ultimate Warrior Quickstarter! Our latest QUICK-starter project is now live and we hope you'll check it out: Ultimate Warrior for DnD 5E and Pathfinder 1E!

This incredible double-shot of martial mayhem comes with a pair of books for your favorite fighting classes in both systems! 5E fans who missed our Battlemasters & Berserkersproject last year can pick up this incredible 72-page collection of archetypes, items, backgrounds, weapons, alternate class features, and more for barbarians and fighters! Pathfinder1E players go even bigger with Legendary Classes: Sword and Fist, with amazing options for the barbarian, brawler, cavalier, fighter, gunslinger, monk, samurai, and swashbuckler, with nearly 300 archetypes, cavalier orders, swashbuckler personages, magic items, feats, prestige classes, and more alternate class features and new abilities than you can shake a sword or a fist at!

This is a QUICKSTARTER project, lasting just 15 days, but we don't just mean a quick campaign. Quick means your PDFs will be available immediately after the campaign ends and all print books and add-ons, including incredible monk and martial arts options in Martial Arts Multipack, leading a squad of soldiers or zombie horde with Ultimate Commander, and more, including Fantasy Grounds support, will be headed your way as soon as our 20 Kickstarters of experience can get them up and out the door! Whether you like 5E, Pathfinder, or both, grab your gear and put on your war face because it is time to bring the pain to every monster in your path with the Ultimate WarriorKickstarter!

We launch today but it all ends August 19th, so spread the word and pledge today! YOU GOTTA FIGHT!

T-shirt reorder needed! And MISSING ADDRESSES needed too!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 02:09:19 AM

Hi all,

T-SHIRTS: We are down to the final phase of our fulfillment, but as I was packing up our Circle of Elders packages with their bonus swag stuff when I discovered we were out of several sizes of T-shirts! We had plenty of L and XL but had only a couple of smaller and larger sizes. I've packed up the Circle of Elders boxes for those I had the right sizes for, but for those needing S, M, or XXL or larger, I placed a reorder with my local shirt printer. They'll be ready in a week or two, but meanwhile you might have received a "your order has shipped" email from PirateShip because I already printed the mailing labels. The labels are downstairs with your books and the other items waiting for the shirts to come back. Apologies for miscounting the number of each size of shirts, but we'll get those last packages out the door as soon as they're ready! 

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: We are still going back and forth with Amazon on a technical glitch with product categories that is blocking our ability to send out the international shipments going through them. It's been ongoing for several weeks and still not resolved, but we're still hacking through the bureaucracy and will get the remaining international shipments out as soon as we can.


We have sent out email reminders but are going to list people for whom we still need addresses here. If we don't have your address, we can't get you your books! If one of these people is you, please email us at [email protected] (or through Kickstarter's messenger system) with your address so we can get your books on the way! We need addresses for the following (USA backers unless otherwise noted): 

Gandoulf (France)

L. Siewerth

D. Joseph

Geo. Thomas

A. Bohrer

E. Moshell


Al. Rodriguez

T. Telson

Al. Faria

R. Miller


R. Vazquez

A. Goldstein

S. Thompson

T. de Baets



T.L. Bunting

B. Tollison

J. Rogers

R. Hilton

I. De Paz

J. Geiger

M. Guzman

P. Perry

Shipping Nearly Complete! And Miguel Colon has a new project!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 09:59:07 PM

We've been cranking through hundreds of packages and over the weekend we actually got to the end of the spreadsheet, and I've got a carload of packages to drop off today at the post office. That's not quite ALL of the packages going out, but the end is very much in view! 

  •  International: We've sent out a lot of international packages directly, but for many of them we are planning to send them out through Amazon's service because past a certain weight level it becomes vastly more economical to use their fulfillment than our own. The books are in our fulfillment center but we're dealing with a system glitch with Amazon Seller Central (they somehow got assigned a non-exportable product category, instead of being categorized as books), so once that is sorted out we can send out the remainder of our international orders. 
  •  Special Combinations: We have a few dozen special combination orders that require special packaging and packing, and those should be going out this week. 
  •  Missing Addresses: We've found a few dozen backers with missing addresses. We'll be emailing you soon if we haven't already, so we can get your info and get you your books! 
  •  Missing Items: If you've received your package but something is missing, let us know and we'll get your missing items to you ASAP! [PS - There are two of you who emailed me about missing Pirate books and I can't seem to find your emails, so please resend your message and I'll get your books headed out!]

We are delighted to be so close to the conclusion of this fantastic project and happy to hear when folks receive these beautiful books! That said, we would be remiss if we did not offer a shout-out to Miguel Colon's latest project, Monstrous Personas for 5E! Miguel has been one of our main 5E guys for several years and was the creator of the Boricubos: The Lost Isles campaign setting, and we love supporting members of our team on their own projects and hope you will too! He and his crew have created a cool new book they are offering on Kickstarter now for blending the raw essence of monsters into your PC.

Unleash the monster inside of your PC!

If you like trying something new in your 5E game, check out Miguel's new book help spread the news about it by WORD OF MOUTH!

That character that's a little too mouthy for their own good!

More Shipping, and a Review of Boricubos on No Dice Unrolled and Undrlvld!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 11:22:44 AM

The shipping continues, including a lot of oddball combo packages, but we've also started digging into the biggest single pile of shipments - the people getting exactly one softcover each of Boricubos and Latin American Monsters. We actually had two carloads of packages to the post office yesterday, with close to 100 of the latter going out! 

So many books on their way to you!!!

We also wanted to let you know that the fine folks at Undrlvld reviewed Boricubos: The Lost Isles for 5E. I thought I had sent out the link before but it looks like I missed it, so you can check out their thoughts on their Youtube channel right here

In addition, the No Dice Unrolled podcast reviewed Boricubos: The Lost Isles for Pathfinder 2E version, you can see their thoughts here translated to English in text or in audio podcast form in Italian! 

We thank both of these shows for helping continue to spread the good word, and if any of you know other streamers, reviewers, podcasters, or other online content creators who might be interested in Boricubos, by all means send them our way and we'd love to talk with them about this terrific project and new things coming your way! 

PS - Speaking of new things, much like last month's Mythos Monsters Quickstarter, we'll be doing a second round of our Asian Monsters Quickstarter coming your way soon. The 5E version obviously is complete and ready from last year, but the Pathfinder 1E version is already finished in layout and the PF2 version is rolling along in development and will be ready for immediate release when the KS ends. If you missed Asian Monsters the first time around or would like to check it out for PF1 or PF2, we hope you'll give it a look when it launches around the end of July/beginning of August! 

Shipping Continues!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 09, 2022 at 09:06:00 PM

Hi all,

Just wanted to let you know that we've shipped off the first 300 or so packages but we've got plenty more to go! If you've already got your package and anything is missing, let us know and we'll get the missing pieces on the way!